Saturday, 20 October 2012

Jacob Cross - Character Profile

Jacob Cross is a research scientist working for the Netex Corporation.  He is an average, educated professional who got involved with a covert government project which changed his life.  He was hired by Netex due to his background in harmonics research, and was thought to have the skills to get the "Auditum Headset Project" off the ground.

His research uncovered more than he bargained for.  The headset not only worked as designed, it did something else entirely... it opened a portal into another dimension.  At first, not being sure that the effects of the headset were real, Jacob questioned the technology and his very sanity, but once the two dimensions started crossing over into each other, it was impossible to deny.

In the other dimension, a warrior female named Tamara awaited his arrival, and shared with him his intricate destiny.  It was with her that Jacob learned of his past, and his inevitable future.  She demonstrated powers of unimaginable force, and showed him his ability to do the same.  By being armed with this knowledge and skill, Jacob was prepared to take on the demon threatening both of their worlds, the unstoppable Luzige.

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