I've learned many things from writing, publishing, and promoting the Seventh Journey Series. From a pure writing perspective, I could write an entire article simply on how I've improved over the last seven years. There are several other discoveries I'd like to share... for example about how it's affected the people around me, about the various processes you have to go through, and the various methods of publicity available. But in this article, I'd like to discuss the key ideas I've learned that lend the most towards success. I hope that you find these ideas useful as well.
1 - Patience. Whatever your goal may be, it's important to have some patience. Have patience with yourself, patience for those around you, and patience as you inch closer and closer towards your goal. The road to any great success is usually long, and full of challenges. But that's why so few really make it, they lack patience.
2 - Perseverance. The ability to overcome, get back up, climb over, walk around, or smash through any obstacle is a key quality of successful people. Through training, and deliberate mental and/or physical effort, you can push through any challenge and achieve your objective. People have proven this time and time again, when the will is applied, miracles are achieved. I have had my share of challenges during the publishing process, but I've always persevered and never given up.
3 - It's not about the money. At some point, all of it has to be about something more than just money, because honestly it can take time to reap the rewards of writing. Essentially the motivation has to come from something greater. Personally, I enjoy the challenge of publishing a book, and I also love sharing my series with others. Creating and writing novels is really fun for me, I enjoy the development of each scene, and visualizing each character's perspectives and responses. I love developing action scenes, epic battles, and emotional connections. So ultimately, I love the creative process and sharing of subsequent works... financial success is a by-product.