Sunday 21 September 2014

How To Get Success And Deal With Frustration

by: Rob Bom

It can be very frustrating when you think you have everything you need to succeed, but still not achieving any results. Lots of people quit when things get too complicated or takes too much time. I will give you 3 steps that might help you to still get what you want, without pressing the exit button(quitting)

Most quit as soon as they hit a wall. To get some achievements you will need to break through that wall as this will be the only way to get to the other side. If you are staying behind the wall, you will never see what is behind it.

1. There is no success without failure

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, if you want to achieve success. There was a commercial a while ago where Michael Jordan talks about all his failures. He missed a million times when he was shooting at the rim, but by practice and focus he got past it and was able to shoot 3 pointers without any problems. Stop, don’t go to youtube yet, read on…

2. Evaluate where you can do better

Don’t focus on what you do wrong, but look at what you could do better. When you have determined what improvements you can make, decide what actions you need to take. Plan them in and and of-course take them!

3. Don’t stress yourself out

One of the major obstacles I ran across was stressing myself out if I could not get something done in one day. I wanted to achieve results so badly that I stressed myself out by doing more and more. However it is not about doing more, it is about doing things smarter. Try to find people that have the results you are looking to get and speak to them. They might give you advise on how to get things done smarter.

Stay positive and you will achieve the results you are looking for. Most are not able to stay positive which leads to failure, quitting. Doing something wrong is not failing, it is self development. Quitting or being feared to do something is failure. Not doing what you need to do will keep you in the same box.


The post How To Get Success And Deal With Frustration appeared first on Robert JR Graham.