Monday 22 September 2014

A Period of Healing

The Importance of Healing


A period of healing can be necessary after many different types of loss. When a person‘s life is devastated it can require time to heal, adjust and adapt before they become able to move on again.

There are several areas where this is important.

  1. female-yogi Death can be a terrible shock, even when a person has been ill for a long time. Partners and families gradually adjust to having an invalid in their midst and it can become a normal, accepted part of their lives. Taking time to reconcile to the loss can depend on several factors. Some people may have guilt and unfinished business with the person they have lost. Some people may feel bitter and angry at a life so sadly cut short, some people are bereft at the thought of what they are going to do now. There can be a combination of all these factors. Taking time to heal, maybe undertake grief counseling can help with the process of reconciling and healing.

  2. Loss of a lifestyle can require healing. Some people may have lost their job or their business and fear that they will never work again. This can raise many issues. Money and income to pay the bills is often an immediate concern. But confidence, self-esteem and personal value can ultimately be more important. Some people feel that they will never heal from the trauma of being cast aside from their role in life. Many people define themselves through their job. Finding something useful and life-enhancing can take time to discover but counseling and hypnotherapy can often help a person understand what has happened to them and why, heal and then move on to start again.

  3. ColonicTruths-HealThyselfPart1Of2182-168 Relationships end regularly, but that does not make accepting and coping with the loss of a special relationship any easier to bear. Even if their relationship was difficult at times many people are still caught by surprise when their partner says that it is over. Confidence can be an important factor, especially in a long-term relationship. People get used to their roles in a relationship and losing that structure can be a shattering situation for a time. Having to become more independent, learn how to do things oneself is often required at a time when they are at their most vulnerable, when their partner has just left. Healing can take a long time and many people are in danger of becoming a little cynical as a result of the experience.

  4. Counseling can help the couple communicate better with each other, manage family concerns and understand each other’s point of view, whatever the outcome. Individual counseling and hypnotherapy can help with the recovery process, reclaiming one’s confidence and life and starting to live again with more hope and optimism.

  5. back-pain Physical pain and loss of good health is a constant factor in some people’s lives. Having to cope with pain can cause depression and the loss of any quality of life. Having to manage pain either by medication or regular treatment can take over someones life. Hypnotherapy can help cope better because stress is often a factor to consider. People in pain often hold themselves differently, become tense as a result of their condition and are often afraid to move naturally in case they trigger more pain. There are certain techniques that can help manage chronic and regular pain more effectively.

And, frequently, when a person becomes less stressed they find that some of their pain symptoms lessen or even disappear. Headaches, miscellaneous aches and pains can occur as a result of stress. People often talk about feeling gutted, irritated or sick to the stomach. A lot of the phrases we use are manifestations of how we hold stressful situations in our bodies. Hypnotherapy is an effective way of letting go of those pains, becoming healthier and finding better ways to cope.

Healing is an important part of recovering from experiences that have damaged us, physically, mentally or emotionally. Allowing ourselves to take that time and use it well allows us to heal, learn from the experiences and move on, wiser and stronger as a consequence.

The post A Period of Healing appeared first on Robert JR Graham.