B: Question.
Q: Yes, this… Yes, I just…
B: Th- th- th– One moment. Yes?
Q: There are several philosopher’s here that say it’s best to rid yourself
of the physical universe and your dependency upon it, so that you no longer
are in a physical form. Is that good or bad or…?
B: Now understand there is no good; there is no bad. Also understand that
you can never really rid yourself of anything, since there is no outside
place to rid it to. You follow me? Any idea once created in the idea of All
That Is always exists within All That Is, and as such there is no outside
to All That Is to put anything. And since you are All That Is, it will
always be within you. It will be a matter of your focus. Now, there is that
idea stemming from the purpose of the creation of physical reality as the
experience of limited viewpoint, and as such you have assumed that to
experience a less limited viewpoint is better.
But really there is no better. Every experience is, for the purpose it was
created, exactly the best experience it can be. And therefore it is a
judgment to assume that it is the idea that you are making a comparison
between a lesser reality and a greater reality. ‘Tis simply the idea of
different realities which are created for varying purposes of the
unfoldment of yourself. And as such realize that many of the diseases
created within your physical reality stem from the assumption that your
physical reality is somehow less worthy than a spiritual one kind as such,
it will very accurately reflect that degree of unworthiness and futility,
and create disease.
Q: Yes that answered my question that my father was being a guide at this
time to give me support or whatever. I perceived you were sitting there
either looking at something or waiting – – something was going on and I
didn’t quite get it, and my attention stuck on it.
B: Thank you. Question.
Another: I came into this body as a guest? I took this body over after my
parents had raised it nicely. I feel a lot of loyalty to this body’s
parents. Also I feel a lot of loyalty to my people. I am a Scientology
auditor for 30-some years, and I’m going off into other areas now. Many of
the gifts I have, such as… I was just telling some of the people here I
can talk to plants — or anything I care to talk to I can communicate back
and forth with. I also can heal just by using energy; such as the energy I
feel from you. Wow! I just have to say this energy I’m feeling from you is
very loving, and I can take it and just pass it on and on and on.
Anyway, that’s aside from the point. But what my question is: I am having
to decide now on what coast I’m going to, the east coast or the west coast.
I have loyalties on both coasts, and my mission here is to help people
become more aware of themselves and to grow and to expand and become
better. Now, I don’t know the answer as to what coast I should go, and I
have come here today – I know I have been guided here.
B: All right.
Q: And help me.
B: Allow me first of all to say: thought you said you could speak to
anything and get an answer.
Q: Yes!
B: What about yourself?
Q: Yes, and I’ve done that with myself I have so may dimensh~ns to myself’-
–All right. Do not allow yourself to be confused. Simply understand
that you are always going i o unfold according to the purpose for which you
have created your existence within this dimension of reality– exactly as
you need to. Also understand that as you say, the idea of sharing your
reality with other individuals will, again, always be in accord with the
timing concerned within every individua~s interaction within that reality.
You will not have to preach to anyone.
Understand therefore that you will always always alway.c./–when you
simply allow yourself ti continue to be that reality for yourself/–be
serving all the other individuals within your reality in the best possible
way that you can, by providing ~or them a reflection of that universe, of
that reality that you know yourseli to be, and therefore allowing them the
best possible opportunity to share that reality IF they choose to.
Okay I have been biding my time, so to speak You know~ Ibavc been
operating on this p1/me observing bow pcople act, vid then Ibave becn
trying to act according t~ bow tbcy act so they won ~ rcaily know that I
cEw read their minds ~wd ci~ ~fl this othcr stuff I do.
What purpose did that serve for you?
I thinA so I could duplicatc what their reality was so I could raise
them up to a higher level
AU right. Now, understand–
So that 1–?) doing it.
All right, then change. Live your reality, the one that you perceive
to be the real reality for you.
But it would bc ovcrwbelming to c~tbers ii’ I dJd that.
No, no, no1 Understand they will not perceive your reality except
upon the level at which they wish to share it, according to their own
purpose of unfoldment. Realize you can control no one.
(b’a ha. lay”) (5ome applause)
Now understand you will be creating for y~irseff exactly within your
reality any idea that you perceive yourself to be. But understand you will
be creating it for yourself. Therefore I will say: if to you the idea of
being a witch creates the idea of control and power and judgment and
discomfort, then you will be creating all of those ideas within your own
universe, and experience them for you – not anyone else.
I don’t have that viewpoint, Iii, very playful you know, and a bit
mischievous. But only to bring people- –
All right. So are we.
Q: It’s only to make people on a higher emotional level.
One moment, please! Again understand: the idea you have expressed as a
mission can never b~ achieved by making people do anything.
I agree. That s Ii uc~
Now understand that you will always be allowing any individual who wishes
to share your reality to do so if you simply live your reality for
yourself, not for them.
Otherwise you will be taking responsibility for them. And as such you will
be denying responsibility to your reality. And as such you will then be
equal only to an idea which will constantly allow them to feel that you
have nothing to share.
Abb! Yes, I realize what I’ve been doing is I’ve been tclepatbically – well
I don ‘t even liA~ to use that word– but I communicate to them on a level
that tbey~e not ~Jways aware that liii communicating to them.
Oh, but they are Oh, okay
Understand again: they are aware exactly to the degree they need to be on
whatever level serves their own purpose.
Again understand (–?) the idea of your mission: there is not only one way.
If there were on~y one way, there would only be one person,, Live your life
for yourself. Then you will have something to share with these other
individuals when they choose to share with you. Understand they have just
as valid a reality that you can share with them.
On this JJvc my Ii~& Jhr myse1f’~ – that Jsn ~ why liv here.
Oh, yes it is. Again understand the idea of the paradox. You will be doing
service to the entire mass consciousness by providing them with an example
by living it yourself, not living it for them. If you live it for them, you
will not be being yourself, and as such’they will not be able to find you.
I gotcha! (– -~-~’ Okay, yah.
Thank you. Thizck you.
Then realize you will not need to tell anyone anything. You will be your
own best example by simply being that life. Then you will find all those
individuals who wish to share that reality being attracted to you and
saying, ‘Hey! How come you’re having so much fun? I’cr’like to have some of
that fun too.” Then you may answer, ‘This is how I choose to have fun. Now,
for me this is fun; maybe it wont be fun for you. Maybe you can invent your
own version of my idea so you can have fun within the reality you’ve
Always understand that within any idea of service there will first and
foremost always be, to any other individual, the provision of simply being
a reflection of their own reality, and allowing them to unfold within
themselves to understand their own empowerment. You will not be providing
them with anything that they do not already have.
You will simply, by acting as a mirror of those parts of themselves which
can enjoy themselves on that level, be providing them with that reflection
that then they may wish to choose for themselves. But the only way you will
do that is by lying your own life that way, and not being concerned for
Otherwise you are impressing judgment upon the idea of comparing what you
think you have to what you think tbcy have. And as such you will be
creating more and more separation between yourself and the idea you truly
wisF~ to manifest upon your world.
Point very well ijiA-en.
Thank you.
Oh, wait a minute I have a question. Thu said when somebody’s having
fun, and people ,rc at~~,ractcd to them — isn’t that a Jbrm of judgment?
Not really. Are they saying (–?A we ~e not ha vrng that much J’un?
They are judging themselves.
Right. All right. But understand that if you are providing the idea
within your own life hat you are not there having fun to show them that
they are not having un, you will simply be having fun for yourself. And
when those individuals who choose to understand that they have been
creating for themselves a ~eality that they do not like, may, within th,e
example that you provide for y~)urself, choose to get an idea of how they
may create a reality which they do ike.
So in that case judgment is important.
In a sense. Understand that, in your terms, objective comparison
between the idea of one reality that you really wish to do and a reality
that you do not will be a form of objective comparison. But when you
realize that each reality was valid for the purpose that it served, then
you will not create the idea of the judgment between the 0ideas, and will
allow you to transform more readily into tt~e ther reality.
Ri~bt. It just ~Uow.c a transformation. Yes.
Anda blending. Yes. Orc’at.
Is that what you mcEw by bcing transp~rcnt?
In a sense. Understand that one other idea represented by that
terminology will be that every situation, every idea, every undertaking,
every interaction that you create within your reality will be felt overall
to add to the overall momentum of your original idea of yourself– rather
than viewed as an interruption.
This is just grcai It really is
We~c having fun~ Lets (– –?)
Were having fun over bcrc, too.
Who else is having fun?
Bashar on Philosophy, Focus, and All-That-Is