Sunday 21 September 2014

Are Negative Thoughts Impeding Your Dreams?

What Negative Thoughts Are Preventing You From Following Your Dream?


Dreams It has been proven numerous times that the way we look at our life and where it is going is essentially what we get out of life. All of this is linked to what we have been taught we are worthy of having and capable of achieving. Influencing factors on how we view ourselves and others is mostly inspired by external influences such as family, our upbringing and the community we grew up in. Automatic negative thoughts are the immediate response of many people when confronted by the real possibility of having to change. They are the very essence that stops people living their dream.

Don’t you think it a bit strange that many people take the time and make the effort of writing a will at some stage in their lives, and by doing so tell people what they want to happen after they die? How many of them however put that same effort into writing down or telling people what they want to happen whilst they are still here? Having read my article this far, please take a few seconds right now to notice how you look at the world. What about ambitions you had years ago, how have they manifested themselves? Are you living the dream? Do you have everything you ever wanted out of your life?

I was one of those people who became so wrapped up in the corporate way of life, my priorities were all wrong; I was constantly chasing my tail until one day I just thought “enough is enough.” My whole world changed from that moment on.

drem_dictionary Let me ask you a question – how do you view the business of making money online? Now be honest here, is it something you ever thought about? Is it something you think may be way out of your comfort zone and therefore unachievable? Do you believe that it is difficult but it can be done? Or secretly deep down inside do you think it won’t really work for you?

If you chose the latter, firstly can I congratulate you on being honest with yourself and secondly tell you straight up that making money online IS something that the average person CAN do. The first step, however is adopting the correct mindset, challenging then banishing those negative thoughts that prevent you from moving outside of your comfort zone.

Are you plagued by negative thoughts? If so, it is essential that you get rid of those thoughts as soon as they start. Do not allow yourself to go through life being a victim to your past, do not allow yourself to be constantly bombarded with those negative voices telling you this is impossible, you will never be able to do this. You can do anything – but you need to believe in yourself first and foremost. If you don’t have that belief, how can anyone else believe in you?

Whatever you think about constantly you will bring about. If that inner voice is constantly telling you that you cannot achieve, you cannot do something then it will not happen. If your perception all the time is that everything is just too difficult to do, then you will never achieve anything and that dream you said you would follow – well it will always remain just that – a dream!

Success-is-only-a-dream-away If on the other hand you have a clear vision, you surround yourself with successful people who are achieving, and then you will have success also.

Take a few minutes now to imagine yourself working from home, working only a few hours a day and making those few hours fit in around YOU, your family and what you want to do in a day. Even though you’re doing only a few hours work, you are making more money than you ever did in your corporate job. Now take that picture, pause it, enlarge it and imprint it everywhere around your home. This is YOU, this is your future, this is not just possible but probable, your future is waiting around the corner. It is just a few steps away – what are you waiting for; I believe in you and know you are worth it.

“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.”

W Clement Stone

The post Are Negative Thoughts Impeding Your Dreams? appeared first on Robert JR Graham.