A Guided MeditationWhile you are beginning to relax, I will share several more analogies
before the meditation to allow these principles to begin to sink into you
softly. But before that, take three deep breaths and feel every portion of
you relaxing. Feel your cares melting away If your conscious mind doesn’t
want to let go of them, then just tell it, “All right, you can get them
buck in a few minutes, but for now, let them go.” Just relax and play
along. That is what we are doing, learning how to play again. Playing is
one of the most creative acts.
As you continue to breathe and continue to relax, listen to the following
analogies. When we talk about the idea of different dimensional realities
all being Here and Now, the best way to explain this is perhaps in the
following ways.
The Radio Analogy: Each and every one of you understands the device that
you have upon your planet that you call a radio. you know that you have a
dial on your radio that you can use to tune in to any particular program
you desire. Now, just because your dial is tuned to one program, you do not
start thinking that all the other programs cease to exist and go away. You
know that all the other programs are still there but you do not get them
because you are not tuned into those frequencies.
Film Strip Analogy: Your reality can be analogized to a roll of film, with
Its many different frames. Each and every frame represents a small portion
of an overall action. Now, the characters within each frame only exist
within that single frame and do not experience the next frame. For the
characters in the film to experience any Sense of movement, the film must
move. However, to the film projectionist the /entire/ film exists right now —
the beginning, the middle and the end. You can see all the frames at once
when looking down on the strip of film, even though the characters on the
film must experience their reality one frame at a time. Physical reality is
analogous to the strip of film. Your higher, non-physical visionary selves
are like the projectionist that can see all the frames at once.
All Situations Are Neutral: The idea now will be to also remember the
neutrality of all situations. You could look at any one particular frameon that film and not necessarily understand what is being said or what is
going on. Only from the creation of continuity, from the flow of the film,
do you pick up the context. But each and every situation in life is like
one of those frames of film — it does not have any meaning that is
apparent on the surface. The meaning you choose to give it completely
determines what kind of a story you create from that picture.
The Stage Analogy: The idea is to look at every single situation in your
life in the following way: imagine that you are sitting in an auditorium
looking at the beginning of a play. The curtain has just gone up. All the
actors are standing still on the stage. All the props are there, ready to
go. But, let’s assume you did not read the program. Let us assume you have
heard nothing about the play, so you do not know who these characters are,
or what they will do or say. You have no automatic expectations about them
at all.
Now, one of the characters on the stage might be standing off in a corner
with a very strong frown on their face. Because of what some of you have
been taught you might choose to automatically assume, “Oh, well that must
he the bad fellow.” However, some of you might assume, “Well, maybe he is
frowning because he is upset at the bad character and he is the good
character.” The surface appearance tells you nothing. The whole situation
is neutral. Everything, including the actors, for now are simply props and
have no built-in meaning.
Now, we apply this principle to your own lives. But first, three more deep
breaths; and understand, as you take these breaths, you are taking yourself
to a deeper level of relaxation. A deeper level of self-acceptance and
self-love. A deeper level of wisdom and curiosity about exploring who and
what you are.
Bashar - A Guided Meditation