Monday 22 September 2014

The Rule of Discipline

Rule of Discipline


Yoga silhouette virabhadrasana II warrior pose One of the best ways of living is to have a standard rule of discipline. The ability to have a more pleasurable and peaceful life, lies in our ability to get more discipline into our lives. Disciplining our lives keeps us going in a positive direction. Just like a ship that sails the high seas, it can only go in only one direction easy. We should do our best to grab hold of discipline.

Discipline allows us stay on the right path for right living. In most societies, discipline is regarded as right and proper. When we live in discipline our lives are less chaotic and are less likely to disturb the lives of others. In school, religions, home, and other places, this is seen not as option but a necessity. Right living with discipline also brings in a moral standard.

Correcting goes hand and hand with discipline. When we are correcting someone or being corrected the main element for success is discipline. The main factor or glue for moving forward with this is constant correcting when needed. The ability to sustain correction when needed is critical to the success of gaining attribute of discipline.

discipline History continues to show us over and over again the benefits of a disciplined life. Here are just a few benefits of discipline: community respect, better grades, job promotions, better social life, and mental stability. History records the names of many people who have left us a long standing legacies through disciplined living. If this is part of our lives we may also join the ranks of the many people have earned the respect of friend, family, co workers and enemies.

When reaching for our goals, there are few better companions than discipline. It will enable us to stay in the fight long after others have quit. It will give us the ability to push on just a little more. With a disciplined mind we will be able to see our goals before we have reach them.

It is best to learn the principles of discipline as early as possible in life. We need to get this discipline rule; it is important.

Lastly, there is an openness to the rule of discipline. It is a well respected attribute. I can be clearly seen by all who walk its path. The openness of this provides a visible example for the young and the old to follow. Society and mankind owe a debt to all who trod the well laid road of discipline.

The post The Rule of Discipline appeared first on Robert JR Graham.