Saturday 6 September 2014

Thought, Word, Deed

Taken from CWG Book One, page 90

…Life is a creation, not a discovery. You do not live each day to discover what it holds for you, but to create it. You are creating your reality every minute, probably without knowing it.

Here’s why that is so, and how that works:

1. I have created you in the image and likeness of God.

2. God is the creator.

3. You are three beings in one. You can call these three aspects of being anything you want: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; mind, body, and spirit; super-conscious conscious, subconscious.

4. Creation is a process that proceeds from these three parts of your body. Put another way, you create at three levels. The tools of creation are: thought, word, and deed.

5. All creation begins with thought (“Proceeds from the Father”). All creation then moves to word (“Ask and you shall receive, speak and it shall be done unto you”). All creation is fulfilled in deed (“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us”).

Taken from CWG Book One, page 11

Neale: Does that mean I cannot ask for anything I want? Are you saying that praying for something actually pushes it away from us?

…You will not have that for which you ask, nor can you have anything you want. This is because your very request is a statement of lack, and your saying you want a thing only works to produce that precise experience – wanting – in your reality.

The correct prayer is therefore never a prayer of supplication, but a prayer of gratitude.

When you thank God in advance for that which you choose to experience in your reality, you, in effect, acknowledge that it is there, in effect. Thankfulness is thus the most powerful statement to God; an affirmation that even before you ask, I have answered.

Therefore never supplicate. Appreciate.

Neale: But what if I am grateful to God in advance for something, and it never shows up? That could lead to disillusionment and bitterness.

Gratitude cannot be used as a tool with which to manipulate God; a device with which to fool the universe. You cannot lie to yourself. Your mind knows the truth of your thoughts. If you are saying “Thank you, God, for such and such,” all the while being very clear that it isn’t in your present reality, you can’t expect God to be less clear than you, and so produce it for you.

God knows what you know, and what you know is what appears as your reality.



From CWG Book 1 pages 102 – 103

Neale: You have said that “what you resist persists, and what you look at disappears.” Can you explain that?

You cannot resist something to which you grant no reality. The act of resisting a thing is the act of granting it life. When you resist an energy, you place it there. The more you resist, the more you make it real – whatever it is you are resisting.

What you open your eyes and look at disappears, that is, it ceases to hold its illusory form.

If you look at something – truly look at it – you will see right through it, and right through any illusion it holds for you, leaving nothing but ultimate reality in your sight. In the face of ultimate reality your puny illusion has no power. It cannot long hold you in its weakening grip. You see the truth of it, and the truth sets you free.

Neale: But what if you don’t want the thing you are looking at to disappear?

You should always want it to! There is nothing in your reality to hold onto. Yet if you do choose the illusion of your life over ultimate reality, you may simply recreate it – just as you created it to begin with. In this way you may have in your life what you choose to have and eliminate from your life what you no longer wish to experience.

Yet never resist anything. If you think that by your resistance you will eliminate it, think again. You only plant it more firmly in place. Have I not told you all thought is creative?


Taken from Sedona audio file

Whatever it is that you wish to experience more of in your life, be the source of it in a life of another. There is a universal law that plays its effect here. When you give what you want to another you cause yourself to notice that you have it and since reality is a matter of perception, it is your perception that has caused you to imagine that you do not have it. When you give it to another and cause them to have it, you suddenly come to the realization that I could not give it to them if I did not have it to give. Suddenly you become aware that you had it all along.

It is how we increase our awareness of everything.

If you want to increase wisdom, simply cause someone else to experience more wisdom in their life.

Teach what you have to learn and you will discover that you never had to learn it at all because you always had it there.

We must presume that the greatest promise of God has already been kept. We have simply been keeping it a secret from ourselves. Open yourself to that secret and you accept that what you desire has already been given to you, or “even before you have asked I have given it to you.”

What you give to another you give to yourself because there is only one of us in the room.


From CWG Book 1, page 130

The first question in any interactive process with another is: Who Am I, and Who Do I Want to Be, in relationship to that. …What is the highest choice?

…most people continue to be engaged by another question altogether. Not, what is the highest choice, but, what is the most profitable? Or, how can I lose the least?

….For you are not fear, you are love. Love that needs no protection, love that cannot be lost. Yet you will never know this in your experience if you continually answer the second question and not the first. For only a person who thinks there is something to gain or to lose asks the second question. And only a person who sees life in a different way; who sees Self as a higher being; who understands that winning or losing is not the test, but only loving or failing to love – only that person asks the first.

He who asks the second question says “I am my body.” She who asks the first says, “I am my soul.”

Yea, let all those who have ears to hear, listen. For I tell you this: at the critical juncture in all human relationships, there is only one question:

What would love do now?

No other question is relevant, no other question is meaningful, no other question has any importance to your soul.


Taken from Book one, page 169-70

…There’s a difference between being and doing, and most people have placed their emphasis on the latter.

Neale: Shouldn’t they?

There’s no “should” or “should not” involved. There’s only what you choose, and how you can have it. If you choose peace and joy and love, you won’t get much of it through what you’re doing. If you choose happiness and contentment, you’ll find little of that on the path of doingness. If you choose reunion with God, supreme knowing, deep understanding, endless compassion, total awareness, absolute fulfillment, you won’t achieve much of that out of what you’re doing.

In other words, if you choose evolution – the evolution of your soul – you won’t produce that by the worldly activities of your body.

Doing is a function of the body. Being is a function of the soul. The body is always doing something. Every minute of every day it’s up to something. It never stops, it never rests, it’s constantly doing something.

It’s either doing what it’s doing at the behest of the soul – or in spite of the soul. The quality of your life hangs in the balance.

The soul is forever being. It is being what it is being, regardless of what the body is doing, not because of what it’s doing.

If you think your life is about doingness, you do not understand what your are about.

Your soul doesn’t care what you do for a living – and when you life is over, neither will you. Your soul cares only about what you’re being while you’re doing whatever your doing. It is a state of beingness the soul is after, not a state of doingness.

Neale: What is the soul seeking to be?



Taken from Book 2 pages 216, 217, 218

…In the United States, the top one and half percent hold more wealth than the bottom 90 percent. The net worth of the richest 834,000 people is nearly a trillion dollars greater than the poorest 84 million people combined.

…enlightened societies – the putting aside of a set amount of what one receives (what you call “income”) to be used for the general good of the society itself is rather common practice. Under the new system we have been exploring for your society, everyone would earn as much each year as they could – and they would retain what you earn, up to a certain limit.

…The money saved from the elimination of mass production of weapons of war would be sufficient to supply everyone’s basic need. The 10 percent tithe of all that is earned worldwide on top of those savings would elevate all of society, not just the chosen few, to a new level of dignity and abundance. And the contribution of earnings above the agreed-upon limit would produce such widespread opportunity and satisfaction for everyone that jealousy and social angers would virtually disintegrate.


Taken from Sedona audio file

We were taught the opposite way: Have, Do, Be

The example of the old way of doing things:

When you have enough time, you can do the thing called “take a vacation” and then you can be the thing called relaxed. When you have enough money, you can do the thing called buy a house and be the thing called secure.

This is the formula the world teaches. The problem is that most of follow this formula.

What God says is:

  • First be what you want to be

  • Then you do the thing you want to do

  • Then you get to have what you want to have

The trick of life is to start where you thought you were going to end up and not to use your doingness as a means of getting where you think your going to go but as of means demonstrating that you already there. Doingness becomes not a path to beingness but an announcement of what you are already being.


The following is taken from Neale’s Sedona Retreat:

There are some words that are interchangeable with God that help some people come to a deeper understanding of God.

These words are:

Freedom – God is that which is ultimately and eternally free, without limitation. When we experience Freedom we experience Godliness. This is why whenever our freedom is taken away from us – we recoil. It is because at a cellular level the being human understands that we are Free and when we are denied that it is denied an aspect of itself. We are what God is; God is what Freedom is therefore we are what Freedom is. When you give a person Freedom, you are giving that person back to himself or herself.

Truth – Truth is who God is and God is what truth is and we are what Truth is. That is why when we lie; it feels bad because it not like you. It is literally you being other than who you are. We inherently understand that we have abandoned ourselves when we speak an untruth.

Joy – Joy is our natural state of being. It is who we are. When we do not experience joy, we deny the essence of our being. How can we experience joy when we are feeling the way we are feeling? You can’t if you think Joy is a response rather than an announcement. If Joy is a response, you will only experience joy as a response to something exterior to yourself that is occurring.

Conversations with God Index


The post Thought, Word, Deed appeared first on Robert JR Graham.