Saturday 6 September 2014

Privacy, Ethics and OBE

There is a widespread belief stemming from early this century that has not only remained unchanged but has been continually propagated ever since. This belief is that if a projector deliberately invades the privacy of another person for immoral purposes or unethical gain, or engages in any disreputable or sexual behavior during OBE, they will be banned or stopped from further projecting — grounded by a higher authority. It is even believed by some that there is a kind of astral police force watching out for ethical, moral and astral rights transgressors.

According to my experience this belief is a total myth. There are many natural barriers associated with OBE, but there are no ethical nor moral limitations. No higher authority is interested in the activities of projectors. No astral police force will appear and punish bad or naughty projectors.

The ethical and moral correctness of any out-of-body action depends entirely upon the judgment and conscience of the projector concerned. With out-of-body sex especially, strong natural barriers are encountered and there are natural repercussions for repeated disreputable behavior. If projectors cannot control their behavior they will not last very long nor travel very far while out of body. Their experiences will tend to be quickly curtailed whenever they meet any potential sex partners, real or unreal. This cuts their OBE’s very short indeed and keeps them off the astral streets, so to speak.

If projectors go actively seeking sex, they will come across an ever increasing number of potential sex partners. The lower astral planes teem with these. Like attracts like in a big way in the sensitive out-of-body environment. The only repercussions stemming from habitual bad behavior, as far as I am aware, are a lowering of energetic values and of the levels of operation possible. In this case the attraction of other like-minded projectors and beings is, I consider, natural consequence enough. This has the effect of keeping sexually overactive projectors away from more serious-minded projectors. This has, I feel, a certain poetic justice to it.

As to invading the privacy of people in the real world, or other projectors in the out-of-body environment, even for deliberate unethical gain or immoral purposes, there are no restrictions. In my experience there is no astral police force or astral overseer who will suddenly blow a whistle and say: “OK mate, I saw what you just did! Get straight back into your body and stay there, Right Now!” Imagine the enormous number of astral police that would be required just to keep tabs on several billion people day and night?

The intentions involved with privacy issues are important. Continual deliberate breaches of privacy will cause a serious alteration in a projector’s energy values. This will attract other like-minded projectors and negative-type beings into their OBE’s as well as into their real life; which is consequence enough methinks.

It seems the whole idea that out-of-body behavior is policed was started by early researchers and authors on OBE and related subjects, early last century and late in the century before this. Most would have realized the real truth of this matter, of this I am quite sure. However they seem to have worried that if the public knew the whole shocking truth about the sheer freedom of OBE, they might use OBE for what they considered to be immoral purposes. In a way, these researchers and authors tried to impose their own set of moral judgments and values upon the public with a “Stop it or you’ll all go blind!” kind of attitude and blanket warning. They hoped by this, I am sure, to influence people into using OBE for good and noble purposes only.

Stemming from this, these early writers and researchers have unwittingly imposed this same set of values upon the present day. Consider the early written works in OBE and related fields, and how these have been used as reference and source material by all researchers, authors and teachers ever since. All of these early works have had some influence on present day thought, concerning behavioral limitations of OBE. As a result of this we now have many versions of ‘The Astral Overseer’ and ‘The Astral Police’ types of beliefs to deal with; all stemming from the original morally inflicted Victorian fallacy.

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