Wednesday 24 September 2014

Help Yourself Then Help Others

Strengthen Yourself Before Helping Others


“Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow”

helpothers Due to the economy many of us seem to have seeped into the deep, dark depression of worries. If we continue to focus on outside circumstances (such as the economy) they will continue to get worse. We must search from within in order to find the answers to our need. First, seek spiritual fulfillment. Seek positive friend, self help books, tapes or whatever it takes to redirect your focus in order to attract positive energy. Many of the ailments that occur in our bodies are due to the harboring anger, resentment, frustration, malice, complaining and many other negative emotions. Seems strange but true. These emotions does affect your health. Just as positive emotions can build your health.

you-have-two-hands-one-to-help-yourself-and-one-to-help-others Second, become aware of your surrounding. When you realize that you are expressing unhealthy behaviors redirect your focus quickly. Don’t continue in that frame of thinking. Think about something or someone that makes you smile. (Babies usually make most people smile). Watching funny videos, go to the movies, take a walk, go buy yourself something “ladies”, start your own business, etc. When you become aware of your surrounding you will be amazed at the things you can change now that you are taking notice. TRY IT!

Third, Staying focused is very important. You must have a worthwhile goal for your life. What is it that you really want to do in life. Remember, the more people you help the better you will feel about yourself Helping other is not always monetary. Help those who are less fortunate. Stay focused on the good that you want to accomplish and you will attract good to you. These are just a few suggestions that will give you Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow.

The post Help Yourself Then Help Others appeared first on Robert JR Graham.