Tuesday 26 August 2014


A full-grown universe didn’t just suddenly manifest – such a complex structure needed to be carefully designed and constructed step by step. But before we delve into the process of creation I need to clarify some of the terminology used and provide you with some important background information.

Positive and Negative Existence

The universe can be described as “positive existence” (or just simply “existence”) and anything outside of the universe (i.e. the metaverse) can be described as “negative existence” (which is not the same as non-existence). Negative existence does not mean something doesn’t exist; it means it exists beyond space and time in a “reality” that we cannot even begin to comprehend.

The Infinite

The Infinite is the metaverse; the passive Creator; the Ain Soph of Kabbalah; the Parabrahman of Hinduism; the sum total of positive and negative existence. The Infinite is the ultimate GOD of Gods, but he is a passive God that supplies and maintains the primordial matter and energy of the metaverse that his “children” need to build their own universes. Everything that exists (and also everything that does not exist) is sustained by the endless power of the Infinite. The Infinite is the father of everything and also the mother of everything. When the two aspects of energy (father) and matter (mother) combine an infinite number of primordial atoms or monads (sons) are born into existence. The monads are initially unconscious but they have the potential to become Absolutes (fully realised and liberated Gods of their own universes).

The word “infinite” is usually understood to mean “endless”, but it actually has two aspects – it is without beginning and without end. So questions like “where did it come from?”, “what existed before it?” and “will it ever end?” are meaningless. The Infinite has always been and always will be. The infinite encompasses everything, so nothing can be outside of it. The Kabbalistic term “Ain” is usually understood to mean “nothing” in the sense of an empty void beyond the Infinite (Ain Soph), but that is impossible since nothing can “exist” beyond infinity. So perhaps it is best to describe Ain as “not even nothing”, or to forget about it completely because it is impossible.

The Absolute

The Absolute is the creator of the universe, the Ain Soph Aur (limitless light) of Kabbalah, The Brahman of Hinduism. “Absolute” (from the Latin Absolutum) means freed or liberated. The Absolute is a perfected monad that has liberated itself from the illusion of the universe it “grew up” in and has become the unmanifest God of his own Universe. It therefore spans negative existence and positive existence. The Absolute can focus his attention inwards on the universe, or outwards into the metaverse.

Like everything else in existence, the Absolute has three aspects:

  1. The Energy aspect directs the primordial energy (of the Infinite) to power the universe and all creation.

  2. The Consciousness aspect is the universal mind that unites all creation within a single collective consciousness. The universe was conceived by the universal mind, it is sustained by meditative focus, and would dissolve back into negative existence if this concentration ceased.

  3. The Matter aspect is the 49-atoms, the virgin matter (the celestial Virgin Mary) from which the various planes are built. Matter is the cosmic womb in which evolving monads develop their consciousness.

Zero Point Energy

Zero point energy is the infinite energy that originates from beyond the universe. It is the energy that the Absolute uses to bring 49-atoms into positive existence from the negatively existing primordial matter. Tiny vortices are formed in the dense, homogenous and fluid primordial matter. The vortices flip inside-out creating spinning bubbles of emptiness. Each of these bubbles of negative-existence corresponds to a 49-atom in positive existence. The 49-atoms are packets of energy (quanta) that distribute zero point energy throughout all the planes of the universe. Plato called zero point energy “dynamis”, and in the East it is called “fohat”.

A Brief Outline of Creation

  1. The Absolute utilises zero point energy to bring negatively existing primordial matter into positive existence.

  2. The Absolute conceives the universe in his mind and the subtle matter instantly responds to his creative thoughts.

  3. Hierarchies of advanced monads create galaxies, stars, planets and life-forms in much the same way.

  4. Less-developed monads use these worlds and life-forms as training grounds to gain experience and develop their consciousness.

The Biblical Story of Creation

That brief outline of creation appears to be quite different from the Biblical account of creation given in Genesis. This does not mean that Genesis is wrong; it just means it’s interpreted too literally. The creation story in Genesis is not specific to Christianity because similar stories exist in almost every culture, which suggests that there must be some truth behind it. But at the time Genesis was written the creation story was already very old and had become a part of folklore, so we must apply reason and not take every word literally.

Before Creation

In Genesis verse 2, the words “formless and empty” indicate that it refers to a time before the universe had been created. The next sentence “Darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters” makes two interesting points:

  1. We can safely assume that the “deep” and the “waters” are the same, therefore we can deduce that God and “darkness” are also the same. I don’t mean in an evil way, just that God (the Absolute) had not manifested the universe yet.

  2. The deep/water refers to the infinite sea of primordial matter from which the universe would later be formed.

Day 1 of Creation

In verse 3 we have “Let there be light, and there was light” – this is the light of creation manifesting out of the darkness, i.e. positive existence manifesting out of the darkness of negative existence. This light of creation is actually a vast number of monads (49-atoms) coming into existence as the foundation of the universe.

In verse 4 God “separated the light from the darkness” – this has nothing to do with day and night but refers to the separation of positive existence (light) from negative existence (darkness).

In verse 5 “day” refers to the active periods of the universe, and “night” refers to periods of rest or inactivity. Each “day” signifies to an incredibly long period of time, some sort of “cosmic day” or aeon rather than a 24-hour Earth day.

Day 2 of Creation

In verse 6 God said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water”, and in verse 7 this task was carried out. The sea of 49-atoms (monads) were clustered together to form the atoms of the other 48 planes of the universe. So instead of being one sea of subtle matter there were now numerous seas (planes).

In verse 8 God called the vault “sky”, meaning the heavens or the higher planes.

Day 3 of Creation

From day 3 onwards we are dealing with the creation of the Earth not the Universe. The Universe was created by the Absolute, but solar systems, planets and life-forms were all created by his assistants – lesser gods who are themselves evolving and gradually perfecting their skills. These lesser gods (still highly advanced monads) create the kingdoms of nature (mineral, plant, animal, human) for less advanced monads to inhabit and develop their consciousness.

In verse 9 God said “let dry ground appear”, meaning the physical plane and mineral kingdom were created.

In verse 11 God said “Let the land produce vegetation”, meaning the vegetable kingdom was created. This verse is out of place because only one kingdom of nature was created each day/aeon.

Day 4 of Creation

In verse 16 “God made two great lights – the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.” This section is clearly out of place, because the sun and the moon were obviously created on day 3 along with the rest of the physical matter. The “stars” also refers to the planets because in ancient times most people thought that Venus, Mars, Jupiter, etc. were stars.

The vegetable kingdom was actually created on day 4 (not on day 3).

Day 5 of Creation

In verse 21 God said “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth”, meaning the animal kingdom was created.

Day 6 of Creation

In verse 25 “God made the wild animals”. The development of the animal kingdom continued with the evolution of the mammals.

In verse 27 “God created man in his own image”, meaning he created the human kingdom. This refers to the creation of the human bodies our true selves (monads) incarnate into. Our true selves (monads) are individual 49-atoms and were created aeons earlier when the universe first came into existence – more on this in Chapter 6.

Day 7 of Creation

In verse 2 of chapter 2 “God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.”

So, to quickly recap:

  • Days 1 and 2 were the Absolute creating the multi-dimensional universe.

  • Days 3, 4, 5 and 6 were lesser gods creating the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms.

  • We are actually still in day 6 because day 7 refers to a future aeon when humanity will evolve to become members of the fifth kingdom.

There is an old Kabbalistic saying that goes something like this: The breath becomes a stone; the stone becomes a plant; the plant becomes an animal; the animal becomes a man; the man becomes a spirit; and the spirit becomes a god. The breath (life) incarnates in each successive kingdom of nature to acquire the experiences that each one has to offer. In climbing “Jacob’s Ladder” we become increasingly conscious and eventually achieve the realisation that we are gods – sparks of the one God. In cosmic terms we are just “babes in arms”. If we bear that in mind in our daily lives we might become a little more tolerant of each other.


The post THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE appeared first on Robert JR Graham.