Sunday 28 October 2012

It's Important...

It's really important to be well grounded in life, in all aspects, but especially your thinking.  I suppose one of the greatest secrets I have about life is to fix my thinking.  What I mean by that is I actively work on removing mental barriers, blockages, impediments, or negativity so the way is clear for me to focus on my goals.  This is really important... it's critical in fact.  So many of us have our lives completely side tracked or even derailed entirely by wrong thought.

Our life is a reflection of what we think about it, and the people, places, and things around us are proof of this.  And if you're thinking is misaligned, unfocused, or out of control... your life could spiral out of control as well.

Science has shown and proven that repeated negative thinking simply draws your death closer to you.  Illnesses show up, and so too does the lack of motivation deepen as negative thinking takes hold.  Who wants to write a book when their depressed?  Who has time for self development when bills need to be paid?  Or who wants to date a guy who doesn't even have the self love to take care of himself?  I'm not talking about myself necessarily, but simply providing some examples about the typical cause and effect of our thinking.  Negativity, worry, and fear causes us to shrivel up and die... making us miss all of the opportunity life has to offer...  so who needs it?

This is why so much of my time is devoted to removing these mental obstacles.  I actively work on, what Buddha would call "Right Thinking."  Thinking without struggle, deliberately focused on a task, which for me... are my chosen passions.

My passions are family, writing, martial arts, self development, and career.  Each category of my life gets priority... there is no hierarchy in this, they are all balanced on a very important table.  Time and effort is allocated to each area to reach specific personal goals. I see all of these areas as needed aspects of who I am and who I seek to be, hence all very important to me.

Consequently, time management has become an important asset.  Being able to divide my time up so efficiently, is a direct result of my thoughts regarding my life and what it's about.  I realize that life is an opportunity for me to define myself, and reach towards the grandest vision of my life possible.   The grandest vision is then broken down into a series of objectives that I actively work towards.

Removing any obstacles of mind has become an important step in the process of reaching these objectives.  The journey, as a result has helped me tremendously, and also aided those around me as well.  Will I get there?  I don't know.  Whether or not I reach my grandest visions or dreams is all part of the fun and the mystery of the experience... but I'm ok with that.